-  Redazione P&D  -  29/07/2013


La Redazione di Persona e Danno, su segnalazione dei proff. Guido Alpa Pietro Sirena e di Andrea Fusaro, riporta la recente presa di posizione dello European Law Institute sul CESL dopo il Draft Report del Parlamento che si allega.

 Dear Fellows and Observers,

The Working Party on the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) is nearing the completion of its work on the 1st Supplement to the ELI Statement on CESL and is proud to present its preliminary findings to you, the members of the European Law Institute.

The Supplement, a draft of which is attached, is a response to the EP Committee on Legal Affair"s Draft Report of 18 February 2013. Its primary focus is the possible limitation of the CESL"s scope to distance, and particularly online contracts. It also considers legal issues concerning cloud computing and digital content. The draft will be discussed at the ELI Projects Conference on 5 September where we hope to see many of you contributing to the panel sessions with representatives of the Working Party as well as from the European Commission, European Parliament and legal practice.

In order to facilitate a fruitful discussion at the Conference the Working Group would welcome your comments, which should be submitted by email to [email protected] by 15 August. Please formulate your submissions in a concrete and concise manner (if possible limited to one page). All contributions will be considered, although the Working Party cannot guarantee that each will receive an individual response – the most valuable contributions will receive due recognition at the conference.

In the light of comments received and the discussion at the Conference the Working Party intends to finalise the draft with a view to submitting it to the ELI Council for approval by the end of October 2013.

We look forward to your input, and to welcoming you at the General Assembly and Projects Conference in Vienna.


Sir John Thomas,

Chair of the CESL Working Party


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